Urban Inno was invited to present its efforts particularly in the field of participatory methods & tools as the Care4Tech project aim is to deploy smart living technologies in Alpine Space which can only be done through intense involvement of end-users. As E-zavod is leading relevant work package for participatory methods toolbox development, Matjaž Gerl of E-zavod presented the project and relevant activities.
By initiating the collaboration with Care4Tech project, Urban Inno will gain additional testing ground for its methods and tools and will substantially widen its dissemination area. It was agreed at the meeting that representatives of Care4Tech project will attend the Urban Inno project event(s) where key results of participatory methods toolbox development will be presented and are also interested to attend the toolbox testing workshops in the framework of Urban Inno pilot project implementation.
The Interreg Alpine Space project Care4Tech kick-off meeting was organized by the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences between 18th and 19th January 2017. The partnership consists of triple-helix partners from Alpine Space area – public authorities/agencies, research organizations, intermediate bodies and private sector.
More about event on official program website: http://www.espacealpin.fr/event-details/1094

Care4Tech kick-off meeting