The 2nd training for Vas County core team was held in Rovereto, TN, Italy on 30th June 2017, arranged and led by mentoring partner Informatica Trentina. The mentoring session was organized in occasion of the official ‘Open House’ event of the ProM facility in Rovereto, which is the result of the collaboration between Trentino Province, Trentino Sviluppo, Bruno Kessler Foundation, Trento University and Confindustria Trento. Besides Informatica Trentina, the mentoring session was possible thanks to Paolo Gregori, from Trentino Sviluppo, head of the ProM facility.
The objectives of the 2nd mentoring session was to gather the knowledge from the Trentino’s experience, required to establish and maintaining an Industry 4.0 facility, in order to help the mentored partner Pannon Business Network Association to create their facility (URBAN INNO pilot project objective in Vas County). The mentoring session focused some general presentations about how Trentino province made this facility, which stakeholders were involved, and how the political support was gathered. Besides this, there was some sessions about specific Industry 4.0 technologies and services, and finally, a direct physical visit to the facility where was possible to see machinery with the explanation provided by Prof. Bosetti of University of Trento.
The objectives of the mentoring was reached and the core team appreciated the contents gathered and also the contacts made during the day.

Vas County core team representatives with mentor Marco Combetto from Informatica Trentina