BhENEFIT Workshop in Mantova
28/11/2019 - Mantova (Italy)
Urban walk

Co-design session at BhENEFIT workshop in Mantova
On November 28th BhENEFIT organized a full day schedule made of different activites to engage with local targets in Mantova.
Citizens, NGO, decision makers and policy makers worked together to discuss and find a shared strategy to improve the management of the historic center of Mantova by an integrated approach.
The day started with an Urban Walk aimed at citizens to discover three cases of projects, policies and activities in Mantova which represent good examples of integrated approach. The Urban Walk was followed by the sharing of a Community Map, built from the feedbacks of interviews made with council members, local institutions, professional associations, trade associations, university and nonprofit sector, and three best practices coming from the cities of Brescia, Bergamo and Ferrara to inspire the following co-design session.
The technical workshop aimed at decision and policy makers featured a discussion focused on central topics as environment, commerce and tourism, to identify what should be the next steps to improve the management of historic center of Mantova, by applying an integrated approach and finding a shared strategy.