The establishment of a Consumer Energy Group in Forlì helped the citizens obtaining an easier access to energy efficiency and RES technology through the sharing of information and knowledge. The beginning of a common path allows the participants to join their needs of energy efficiency devices or RES systems, which are intended to lead to scale economy-based purchasing. A main issue approached is figure out how stronger the power of a collective action can grow, rather than the activity of a single individual.
The main Pilot Action activity is the distribution of 100 Energy saving Kits for free under request up to the end of the available equipment by a one stop shop office on energy efficiency (Energy Help Desk), within the Municipality of Forlì open to the citizens and to the members of the consumer energy group, but not exclusively. The Energy Saving Kit is composed by technical devices, which are intended to be helpful in measuring the use of energy in everyday domestic life (thermo-hygrometer and CO2 air monitoring device; power and energy plug-in measurer; luxmeter; high-efficiency LED lamp).
Beside the distribution of such technical equipment, the Municipality of Forlì purchased 500 Solar Toys to be handed out to any parent who request it for his/her child or to be distributed during some educational activities in schools: the energy saving subject can be taught to children through the use of renewable energy in such everyday life activity like playing.
The use and the debate among citizens about the use of energy in every day’s life will lead to highlight the importance of being aware of any individual contribution and of acting jointly, looking at other countries‘ best practices too. The idea was developed in collaboration with the environmental associations and the economical stakeholder, which participated to the whole implementation of the project.
The interviews carried out during the initial assessment phase pointed out the need of a role of guidance from the Municipality side: both environmental associations and economic stakeholder asked for it. The activities in schools and the production of a couple of stop motion videos with the contribution of the children helped to raise the interest also by the families. Municipalities can benefit of the possibility to increase their reliability towards citizens and local economic actors.
Inside the Consumer Energy Group established in Forlì, many ideas of collective actions started to circulate: from a joined purchase of LED lamps or washing machines, to the creation of a renewable energy community. The new opportunities given by the new regulation about Renewable Energy Communities are opening new perspectives and new possible projects and leverage of additional funds. A strong effort for the presentation and the promotion of Consumer Energy Group to the citizens is needed, as well as the local authority needs a support to raise an ambience of acceptance for its activities. In this frame the Municipality of Forlì included the energy communities into its SECAP and, through its Energy in-house Society FMI s.r.l., is scouting several possibilities of invest in RES systems and in participating into the energy communities as soon as they will be legally and definitely defined by the Italian national laws.