digitalLIFE4CE: CEDHES Hub Wroclaw

The digitalLIFE4CE project is looking for novel solutions in the field of digital integrated healthcare systems. The fragmentation of the health care system as well as weak cooperation between relevant actors negatively affect regional authorities, care providers and citizens in many regions of central Europe. To answer these weaknesses, the project brings together policy makers, experts from research and development and actors relevant for implementation. 

They will work on a new framework to provide policy stakeholders with: a global picture on available solutions and their implications; technology solution providers with options for joint cooperation; and beneficiaries with new applications and technologies. Additionally, the project will research and promote best practice cases in so called ‘Healthcare Excellence Spots’ and investigate ways to increase investment in digital health start-ups and to boost innovation in healthcare systems with a need for an integrated care coordination.

CEDHES Hub Wroclaw - Digital Healthcare for seniors


Digital Healthcare solutions in favour of elderly people    


Technology transfer and testing in practice of solutions, products and services designed for elderly people


Living Lab would be a suitable platform for exchange of ideas, know how, technology transfer between actors from CE regions and different sectors. Living Lab would be a virtual and physical meeting place for people and ideas for actors from CE regions. Cooperation model for stakeholders from different sectors, better using of existing resources.

The idea of Living Lab arouses great interest among many institutions that have declared their willingness to become part of the project in various roles. Opening of Wrocław Living Lab gives the opportunity to create a cooperation platform which will create synergy effect and result in constant benefits for the region.

Target group

Start-ups, SMEs, public authorities, doctors, science, NGOs, final users - seniors


Transnational cooperation potential

Transfer of best practices tested in the other regions

Verifying proposed solutions

Implementation of solutions on the other markets

Long term relations and links between actors from different sectors and regions for common benefits

Implementation of pilot technology transfer is order to define  barriers and obstacles and create the model for further activities

Creation of long term cooperation between companies and other entities in the CE region

Thematic topic of pilot

Solutions, products and services designed for elderly people

Improvement of the life quality by using innovative, digital solutions

Soft landing of new start-ups and SMEs

Expansion of companies to the new markets

Transfer of new technologies, solutions, products and services tested in other CE regions

Improvement of life quality of growing and important society group – seniors



Wroclaw Technology Park, Lower Silesia Region Marshall Office, Falkiewicz Hospital Wroclaw, Innovative Medicine Cluster




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Wroclaw Technology Park

Bartlomiej Ostrowski

+48 781 871 895

Project Budget

Total Budget: 1.551.182,37  Euro

ERDF co-Financing: 1.274.752,00 Euro