6th Project Team Meeting in Trento
The sixth Project Coordination Team meeting took place on the 17th and 18th of June in Trento, Italy.

First, second, … and here we are with the conclusions of our remarkable sixth Project coordination team meeting which has been organised in Trento by the hosting partner Provincia Autonoma di Trento. The aim of the reunion was to discuss a number of points related to the development and implementation of the INNO-WISEs Interreg Central Europe project.
The opening session started with greetings from the regional authority and introduction to social enterprises’ organisation in Trentino. In the same context, the floor has been given to the presentation of the consortium CONSOLIDA and its model of competitiveness.

Afterwards, discussions navigated towards the main aims of the meeting, one of them referring to the implementation of Work Package T3. Project partners’ feedback on the ICT platform’s design, functionality and other components have been stressed and steps for improvement have been defined. Before the start of the testing phase for WISEs, project partners will proceed with the necessary modifications and test the platform once again so as to present the platform in its best light and avoid any unclearness. In regard to the WISEs test phase, it has been decided that a number of WISEs (5) from each partner region (total of 20 WISEs and 200 person) will participate and provide their feedback by filling-in a questionnaire. These feedbacks will be crucial in the further development of the platform and the final result as well.

The meeting continued in a very lively and refreshing mood after the lunch which has been provided by Cooperativa Relè, a social cooperative that deals with job placement in canteens and catering, cleaning, graphics and video.
The progress of project Communication has also been put forward. Significant progress has been achieved, however a number of tasks remains to be realised until the end of the project. These include, among others, the publication of two newsletters, the realisation of storytelling videos, the 4th and probably 5th infographic and many more. After the sum-up of the Work Package T3., activities related to Work Package T4. have been reviewed. These last include: face-to-face trainings (feedback from Slovenia), timing and preparation form other countries and material/content for the platform. Also, the content and material as well as the involvement of WISEs in the upcoming Masterclass were brought to the table. Moreover, partners continued with the preparation, recording timing and first feedback for MOOC.
At the end of the day, the Steering committee took place so as to analyse the project progress and achievements such as deliverables and outputs that have been accomplished until current state. The Steering committee also welcomed BARKA, the official new Polish project partner that follows step by step the implementation of the project and contributes significantly to its development. At the end of the meeting, deadlines have been set up for future results as well as meetings.

Testing phase of the platform by partners and WISEs, masterclass, face-to-face trainings, MOOC, and a number of other activities remain to be accomplished until the end of the year. An important point that has also been emphasized concerns the platform responsibility after the project end. ENSIE that is in charge of this strategy launched a discussion so as to attain a common vision regarding the intellectual property rights as well as the type of licence to use in order to protect not only the platform but the MOOC as well. These discussions will pursue in the coming time and all remaining activities and results will be put again under the spotlight in November (28-29) during the 7th Project team meeting.
Besides all the technical aspects of the meeting, PAT also ensured a more practical part which refers to an organised visit to three WISEs of Trentino. The cooperatives of Trento territory, due to their roots in the province and thanks to their implication in almost all economic and social sectors and fields, have constructed an organic and a very complex system, that enables them not only to respond effectively (even efficiently) to local needs but gives them as well an access to national and international opportunities.
Project partners had the opportunity to visit the following three WISEs:
- Il Gabbiano – which pursuits the general interest of the community, human promotion and social integration of citizens
- Cooperativa ALPI– offers and creates job opportunities for people in particular difficult situations
- Villa Sant’Ignazio – promotes among others, individual growth and social integration between individuals, with particular attention to socially disadvantaged individuals
The aim was to make project partners familiar with challenges and best practices, and show concrete experience of the local context.

Other WISEs coming from Poland attended also the meeting in order to contribute to the project development, and it appeared to be an excellent opportunity to discover the WISEs environment and WISEs operating in Italy. As Diane Helbig said, “networking is an investment in your business. It takes time and when done correctly can yield great results for years to come”.