Kinè SCS is a work integration social enterprise based in Trento, it focuses on two type of services: digitalization of archives and communication. Founded in 2006, this WISE aims to improve social inclusion by finding new forms of employment for disadvantaged people (with physical, mental or social disabilities) in other areas than the traditional ones. Michele Ianes is a Communication strategist at Kine SCS.
How do you think to use the tools and competences gained through the project and how do you think they will improve your day-by-day skills and in general you WISEs competitiveness?
I think that the available tools of the project could help my cooperative to work in a better organized way, with a more effective monitoring of active tasks and a more thorough economic planning, in each period of the year. Equally valuable would be the tools dedicated to human resources, especially if calibrated at a WISE level: one of the possible consequences would be an increased chance of inclusion of workers with physical or mental discomfort, and consequently an increased social impact of the cooperative I work for.
The public administrations are using WISEs and in general social enterprises to deliver their services, how can the WISEs be more visible and able to be valuable provider?
I think that it is necessary to implement communication measures in order to improve a better knowledge of WISE, to raise interest and involvement and to stimulate a change in the common perception of this kind of activities, eliminating those negative aspects that some population groups associate to WISEs. I believe that acting in a European, coordinated dimension, founded on a common ground, can give greater strength to this message. I also think that public and private sectors should be better informed about the positive impact that the WISEs have on the territory they operate in and, thinking about the public administration, I hope that the social value shall play an important role in the decision to assign a job position.
Which is your personal and your WISE approach to transformational innovation?
The approach of my WISE and my personal approach are the same: trying to grow on the territory in which we operate and at the same time to improve the organizations that decide to work with us, through the quality of the services offered, the proposed innovation and the social impact that we generate
Why do you find the project interesting and decided to participate to the experimental phase (pilot action)?
The international dimension of the project is what raised my interest in INNO-WISEs: the possibility of knowing and sharing experience with European WISEs opens new horizons and can boost positive growth processes. Project partners, among which the European Union and the Autonomous Province of Trento, have represented another important factor; they are in fact institutional entities of primary importance for the sector in which our cooperative operates.
How would you evaluate the advantage for your WISE to create link to other European social enterprises and to participate together to a project to improve your skills and competiveness on the market?
In my opinion, this is a valuable opportunity: thanks to Europe, the WISEs of the various countries - often different in terms of regulation, recurring features and offer to the market - won't feel left alone in their action and will be able to plan together strategies for growth, sharing and participating to new sectors and new markets. I consider the development of WISEs the embodiment of some of the founding values of Europe, and one of the decisive factors for the construction of the future of our continent.