7th Local Support Group meeting in Slovenia
Development agency Sinergija and Local Energy Agency Pomurje has organized 7th support group meeting for Pomurje region that has taken place at Elementary School Puconci in small house in school garden.

At the meeting, the pilot investment of the Hungarian project partner was presented in more detail, which the project partners and stakeholders had the opportunity to view as part of the peer review within the 4th Partnership Meeting.
Since the Municipality of Puconci is in favor of investments in the efficient use of energy and the use of renewable energies, the Hungarian example is a good practice, which with some adjustment would have the possibility of transfer to the Pomurje region.

We also presented eco-village Nagypáli, which we visited during a study visit as part of the 4th Partner meeting in Lenti. A sustainable, livable and well-functioning village was established in Zala County within two decades. One of the main goals of the local government is to use only renewable energy in every households of the village. The village has won a number of tenders. Thanks to these tenders, bio solar heaters, solar collectors and solar cells with sunflower-shaped solar tracking systems were installed. Using renewable energy, the cost of electricity dropped significantly, and 70% of the costs of buildings of the local government are covered from renewable energies.

Link to Nagypáli village video-presentation (in english); https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5l2BcJJDN8g