The RURES project started in July 2017, partners from six European countries (Germany, Poland, Slovenia, Hungary, Croatia, Czech Republic) joined their forces to improve energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energy sources (RES) in rural areas. In course of the project, Local Support Groups (LSG) were established in each region, where local actors and institutions from the field of energy efficiency were invited to be part of the discussion on current project activities and energy efficiency measures. The partners collected best practices of alternative financing models for renewable energy sources and energy efficiency measures, and a handbook was prepared as well. In addition, feasibility studies were prepared in order to draw attention to the implementation of energy efficiency and renewable energy system related measures by alternative financial resources. The studies presented the best practices of partner countries, as well as the achievable return, economic added value and benefits by energy efficiency tools.

The partners implemented pilot investments related to energy efficiency in Germany, Poland, Slovenia, Hungary and Croatia funded by the project.

As an innovative tool, an online calculator was developed, which is available on the internet for individuals, businesses and public institutions free of charge. The calculator deals with the use of various energy sources (biomass, geothermal energy, photovoltaic energy and heat pumps). After answering a set of questions users can get information on the use of the selected one including its social and economic benefits. 

Project RURES: Online Value Calculator Trainings on YouTube

Training in Slovene language on YouTube

Training in Polish language on YouTube

Training in Hungarian language on Youtube

Training in Czech language on YouTube

Training in Croatian language on YouTube

Training in German languagon YouTube

Project Partners

Project partnership consist of eleven institutions from six Central Europe regions.


Rures project in numbers




Project partners


Pilot actions


Budget (M)






Pilot investment



Project Duration