Business Acceleration Workshops - CIRCE2020: plastica, bioplastica ed economia circolare
Italt, 3th July 2020 - Web-Conference
On the 3th of July, the Italian partners, ETRA S.p.A and ARPAV, organized a technical (web) meeting focused on plastics and bio-plastics use and disposal from the perspective of circular economy
Bioplastics are becoming a crucial component in the drive to create a fully sustainable and circular bioeconomy. The EU has been actively supporting the development of these materials through ambitious and collaborative research that aims for a greater uptake that will help transform Europe’s plastics’ industry over the coming years.
The objective of the day was to clarify some aspects related to the issue of plastics and disposable products, starting from the European Strategy for Plastics in the Circular Economy, where many objectives for the reduction and reusability of plastic packaging are foreseen for 2030 , and the Directive (EU ) 2019/904 on disposable plastics.
Balance is needed to deal with this topic. Plastic is an important material but presents some critical issues. The use of plastic must be reduced, with particular reference to disposable types but in the meantime, durability, reuse and recycling must be developed. There is a need to tackle plastics from the Circular Economy point of view, and to cut plastic pollution at source through reduction, better design and better management.
The following presentations and videos are available only in Italian language (for further information please contact the CIRCE2020 staff at -
Click HERE to access the CIRCE2020 youtube channel
- Poster
- Enzo Favoino, Tendenze e strategie globali: le direzioni previste dalla Strategia UE sulla plastica e della Direttiva sulle plastiche monouso
- Carmine Pagnozzi, Bioplastiche: modello di circolarità, prodotti e tendenze di mercato
- Alberto Confalonieri, Le bioplastiche negli impianti di riciclo dei rifiuti organici
- Eliana Farotto, Pack e prodotti monouso in carta e cartone: accoppiamenti e riciclabilità
- Francesco Amore, Il recupero della plastica
- Laura Giust, Ecodesign: in equilibrio fra il mercato e l’ambiente
- Paolo Contò, E questo dove lo metto? Gestione dei rifiuti urbani e comunicazione ai cittadino