Hello, Futures! on 10th September 2020

What will the world look like 7–10 years from now?
Keynote lecture by Phil Balagtas
Followed by a Q&A session moderated by Ivica Mitrović 

Hello, Futures!

The possibilities are many, and they lead to many different futures; and though the rudiments of these possibilities exist in the present, many unknowns remain—the potentials of the future, the global movements and strategic orientations—and those of us whose work is to create and produce the tomorrow need to face these unknowns today. This is especially true for creatives and those who work with advanced technologies.

The Hello, futures! project therefore focuses on the importance of reflecting on how the possible futures can be understood, and more importantly, how to actively establish strategies for shaping the future of society and companies capable of thriving in a co-created future.

A lecture by the renowned American lecturer and futurist Phil Balagtas will provide an introduction to the methods, tools and selected examples of forward-looking best practices, both current and past, that co-created the present in which we live. The lecture will be followed by a Q&A session moderated by Ivica Mitrović.

Among other things, the lecture will give answers to the following questions:

  • What does the world look like 7–10 years from now?
  • How can we properly assess the challenges we will eventually face?
  • What role will design and designers play in the future?

Join us!

About the lecture

Title of the lecture: Futures Design Thinking: Speculative Design, Strategic Foresight and other ways to respond to the future

A short abstract: As the craft of design continues to evolve and require more strategic thinking, we need additional tools and frameworks to address today’s greatest political, ethical, environmental and cultural challenges. What does the world look like 7–10 years from now? How can we properly assess the challenges we will eventually face? And what role will design and designers play in that future? As both a design director at McKinsey & Company and the founder of the Design Futures Initiative, a not-for-profit organisation with over 40 chapters worldwide, Phil will discuss examples of how to apply speculative design and foresight as strategic principles for understanding the future and beyond.


18:00–18:15: Welcome speech and project introduction – Tina Pezdirc Nograšek (RRA LUR)

18:15–19:15: Keynote lecture: The Design Thinking of the Future – Phil Balagtas

19:15–19:45: Q&A session – Moderated by Ivica Mitrović 

19:45–20:00: Closing remarks

Details: https://www.rcke.si/en/events/hello-futures