// WE ARE SO additive
The fifteenth talk of the WE ARE SO series - hosted by CREATIVE REGION Linz & Upper Austria will focus on 3D printing and additive manufacturing in the architecture and construction industry.
- What is additive manufacturing and 3D printing in general?
- How can new technologies - specifically 3D printing and robotics - be applied to the architecture and construction industry?
- Which materials (concrete, metal, plastic, sand, wood, etc.) play a major role? Which ones will be of interest in the future?
- What trends, opportunities and challenges are currently occupying the industry?
- What examples are there of this in a regional, national and international context?
- Which Austrian companies are considered pioneers in this field
- How can creative professionals (designers, architects, agencies, etc.) work together with manufacturing companies here to drive innovation?
These and similar questions will be answered by means of practical examples and insights from experts in a relaxed atmosphere.
// WE ARE SO Programme
- Intro Session: Christine Bärnthaler (Founder and innovation agent at ofroom)
- Creative View: Georg Grasser (founder of Incremental 3D & Senior Scientist at the University of Innsbruck)
- Company View: Thomas Gruber (R&D Additive Manufacturing at doka): In his presentation, Thomas Gruber will discuss the creation of plastic prototypes in product development and plastic building models using the Asfinag application example. He will also provide insights into 3D manufacturing of serial metal parts and talk about 3D printing of buildings at Umdasch Ventures.
- Moderator: Wolfgang Gumpelmaier-Mach (Creative Region Linz & Upper Austria)
- Co-organization: Gisa Schosswohl (Creative Region Linz & Upper Austria), Gabriel Gruber & Laura Smith (Furniture and timber construction cluster of Business Upper Austria)
// WE ARE SO Facts
- Date: October 8, 2020
- Location: Online via zoom
- Get together: 17:00
- Lectures: approx. 17:10
- Duration: until about 18:30
- Registration: via Zoom
More about the event: https://creativeregion.org/events/we-are-so-additive/