COME-IN! Archeological Museum of Krakow Launch Event


The Archeological Museum of Krakow will celebrate the opening of its new #accessible for all exhibition " Prehistory for All" on Tuesday 12 March 2019 at 17.00 P.M. with a small harp concert of the Bronisław Rutkowski Music School in Kraków, The Primary Music School and The Secondary Music School.

The Museum will count on the presence of special guests from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of Poland , the Marshal of the Małopolska region, the director of the Department of Culture and National Heritage of Marshal Office of Małopolska Region, representatives of the Municipality of Krakow from the Department of Culture, the Office for People with Disabilities, Interest groups including NGOs, Education/training centre and schools as well as cooperating museums.

The exhibition will be OPEN TO ALL and a sign language and english translator will be available for the participants.

Looking forward to welCOME-INg you there!