Ecomuseum facilitators training course is back!
3rd Feburary 2018, Cervia, Library
On Saturday 3rd February at 10 AM, in the Library, the Councillor for Culture Michela Lucchi and Paolo Sorcinelli Social History teacher’s from University of Bologna will introduce portal, pointing out its importance in the participatory construction of a historical memory of the community.
Citizens are invited to look for photographs and other documents in their drawers: once reproduced digitally, they will scroll on our smartphones, tablets and computers, in order to recreate places’ memories of the most significant moments of the past century and delivering them to new generations.
It is a challenge just accepted by Municipal Library that will continue to develop, enriching the collections of images already available in the catalogue, in collaboration with other local cultural institutions: the Municipal Historical Archives and the Ecomuseum.
Participation in the morning is recognized by the Ecomuseum of Cervia, because it is part of the training program for facilitators, volunteer citizens who accompany visitors during the Heritage Walks, as witnesses of the local historical memory.
The following meetings will follow:
- March 1, 2018: "Borgo Ficana, Macerata: small story of an Ecomuseum", Martina Fermani, Ecomuseum of the land homes of Villa Ficana.
- 5 April 2018: "Ecomuseo Batana: between valorisation and protection of immaterial heritage as an instrument of cultural identity", Tamara Nikolic Djeric, "Casa della Batana" Ecomuseum, partner of CULTURECOVERY project
- 3 May 2018: "Communicating Places", Dr. Carmela Crispi, Expert marketing and communication
We are waiting for you all

Ecomuseum facilitators training course