LOW-CARB Local Webinar (in Czech)

27 October 2020, 10:00 - 12:40

This webinar and succeeding workshop provides good practice and knowledge transfer in sustainable urban mobility planning.  A large part of LOW-CARB's vision is to spread our strategies, tools, and innovations across central Europe. To make our knowledge more accessible, we have translated many of our resources into key central European languages.
In the same approach, we will hold this webinar in the Czech language.

The session and succeeding workshop will provide good practice and knowledge transfer jointly with CIVINET Czech and Slovak Republics, Transport Research Center, and the town of Litoměřice.

The 2.5 hour program includes

  • mobility planning tools from the LOW-CARB project,
  • mobility and energy management measures in the town of Litoměřice
  • mobility and institutional plans in Czechia, and after a break,
  • an interactive workshop on preparing SUMPs for the scope of smaller cities and towns: identification of site-effective measures for small sustainable mobility plans.
    • Linking appropriate measures to strategic objectives 
    • The importance of strategic and specific participation 
    • Tools for choosing topics for effective measures (qualitative, quantitative)
    • Evaluation and elaboration of measures - methodology and transfer of good practice

The webinar is intended for representatives of cities, heads of transport and development departments, as well as urban mobility coordinators and planners. The event will also include the possibility of networking between cities and involvement with CIVINET cities, which are actively involved in sustainable mobility.


Now open at:

Download the agenda: