LOW-CARB Pilots: Side event at
EU Week of Regions and Cities

21 October 2020 10:00 - 11:15

In this webinar, the LOW-CARB Project will showcase the implementation of its innovative pilots that advance low-carbon mobility and sustainable mobility planning in Central Europe. The unique contexts of Central European regions give it the potential to leapfrog its way into the greener sustainable futures and can lead the rest of Europe by setting a good example. This webinar presents five of LOW-CARB’s pilots in Leipzig (DE), Skawina &  Kraków (PL), Koprivnica (HR), and Szeged (HU): 

• “Reachie” – The accessibility heatmap for mobility management in the Leipzig North Area (Carsten Schuldt, LVB) 
• Testing a hybrid bus line in Skáwina (Maciej Zacher, City of Skáwina) 
• New e-bike sharing schemes in Kraków (Lukasz Franek, ZTP Kraków) 
• Smart bus station in Koprivnica (Nebojša Kalanj, City of Koprivnica) 
• New measures for data-based public transport planning (Ádám Németh, SZKT) 

Speakers will present their pilots and its added value, and briefly discuss how other cities or public transport companies in Europe can benefit from it. 


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