Report : The 4th Project Coordination Team Meeting
24-25.01.2019 - Ljubljana, Slovenia
One year and half after the project’s implementation, the INNO-WISEs project partners gathered on the 24-25th of January in Ljubljana for their 4th project coordination team meeting. The main objectives of this meeting were to give a general insight into the work done, work together and exchange on specific items, and have a clear view on the progress that still needs to be done.

The Ljubljana meeting focused on the next project-related communication activities, the INNO-WISEs' Innovative Technological platform and the different tools to create in order to enable the enterprises to fully understand and use this ICT platform. The project partners shared their views on these topics during working groups and open discussion.
ENSIE started with a presentation which described the way the project partners are reaching more and more WISEs and how to keep doing this work. In particular, ENSIE described the state of play of the monthly WISEs’ stories articles launched in December. For the future, the idea is to continue interviewing the representative of few WISEs about their organisation and their involvement in the project. ENSIE explained that another way to reach these WISEs is to take part in different events. Keeping that in mind, MONG reported their three workshops on tourism, agriculture and local products held in November. The purpose of these workshops was to approach WISEs of this market sector.
ENSIE also presented the last digital activities created, such as the project presentation recorded in Zagreb:
Finally, the project partners gathered in working groups and shared their ideas on the next infographics and the next videos to produce. While another group focused on how to keep reaching the WISEs effectively.
FPM gave a short summary of the work done and the results reached in the whole work package that it led.

ACT and ITC introduced the first draft of the platform designed for transforming WISEs. They introduced to all project partners its functions and design: the layout is fixed while the content (meaning the tools) is flexible.

Then the project partners discussed about the strategies to develop for the platform sustainability after the project’s end (technical information, languages, list of tools) and which project partners will be responsible for its functionality.

Another part of the presentation and discussion aimed attention at the pilot action implementation and the platform testing phase. The project partners are going to test this platform in March during their next meeting in Milan. Afterwards, the platform is expected to be presented and tested by 40 selected WISEs in September or October.

The team meeting had also provided an opportunity for an update on the training methodology. Thanks to the training programme, which includes the local face-to-face trainings, the face-to-face seminar in Croatia and the MOOC, the WISEs will improve their business approach and will learn business development. The project partners agreed on the first practical details of these trainings. The local face-to-face training should start in September. This training programme will be supervised and guided by an expert.

Later in the day, FPM introduced the MOOC development path and its structure. The MOOC’s topics have also been decided, it will focus on marketing and business innovation with a complete learning path.
The meeting ended with the Steering Committee where the management of the project was discussed. This meeting also allowed the project partners to schedule the next meeting. The next team coordination meeting is going to be held on the 25-26th of March and hosted by FPM in Milan. It will be the opportunity to present the first draft of the platform before starting the testing phase.