Local Support Group meeting in Leipzig

Personal  Introduction  of  new  delegate  by  City  of  Leisnig. Ms.  Rückert  gave  to  Mr.  Kolitsch  detailed  information  about  interrelations  of  Workpackages  within  the  project.

LSG in Ger

Where the Lead Partner discussed the issues of the next (3rd semsester). Here they discussed mainly  D.T1.3.1, the two feasibility studies that have to be done by City of Leisnig.  They learned that this task is in progress.

The pre investment report for Pilot action in Leisnig (D.T2.1.2) will be prepared according to the requirements. Here the content will consist out of‚ Klimaschutzkonzept (Okt. 2012), Baugeschichte der Karl-Zimmermann-Turnhalle, Energiekonzept‘.

After that  they discussed the progress, the provided work of ‘seecon engineers’, of WP-3, online calculator tool.

LSG in Ger