Major PROLINE-CE events

an overview and review:

During the project duration, 7 transnational  partner-workshops, 2 transnational stakeholder workshops and 2 round table discussions took place. Furthermore, a midterm-and a final conference invited alo the general public to learn more about the project and its outcomes.

Project midterm-conference, Ljubljana, June 2018: proceedings
Project final conference, Vienna, June 2019: proceedings

Due to synergy aspects, the conferences were carried out in cooperation with CAMARO-D project, an INTERREG project co-funded by ERDF in the frame of the Danube Transnational Programme.

The documentation of the 2 round table dicussions (Ljubljana in June 2018 and Budapest in February 2019) can be found here:

round table 01
round table 02

2 panel discussions were organized and held in the frame of the 2 major project conferences in Ljubljana in June 2018 and in Vienna in June 2019:

panel discussion 01
panel discussion 02

The partner meetings, ensuring a fruitful transnational cooperation, were carried out on a half-year basis and were located in:

  1. Munich (kick-off-meeting), Sep 2016
  2. Parma, Jan 2017
  3. Katowice, Okt 2017
  4. Zagreb/Makarska, April 2018
  5. Waidhofen a.d. Ybbs, Nobember 2018
  6. Budapest, February 2019
  7. Vienna, June 2019