Workshop Weekend: Po-Delta
11th, 12th and 13th May 2018
Our partner DELTA 2000 started with the thematic workshops weekend in the Po Delta area – Emilia –Romagna Region (Italy) with the project CULTURECOVERY.
The thematic workshop weekend's first date, 11th May 2018 at 20:30, took place in Argenta! The days after, Saturday & Sunday morning, thematic workshops continue in Mesola and Bagnacavallo!
When: Friday 11, May h. 20.30
Where: Argenta (Ferrara), Centro Culturale Mercato, Piazza Marconi 1
When: 2nd workshop - Saturday 12, May h. 9.30 / 12.00
Where: Bosco Mesola (Fe)
When: 3rd workshop - Sunday 13, May h. 9.30 / 12.30
Where: Bagnacavallo (Ra)
Here the agenda of the events!

11th May, Argenta

12th May, Bosco Mesola

13th May, Bagnacavallo