Responsible buyers contribute to social impacts / Z odgovornim nakupom prispevam k družbenim učinkom

Nova Gorica, Slovenia - 29.05.2018 

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Foto Jože Macur

On 29 May 2018, in the great hall of the Nova Gorica City Municipality, a meeting titled »Responsible buyers contribute to social impacts« was held. In his welcoming speech, Tomaž Konrad, head of INNO-WISEs project emphasized that competent social economy builders gathered at the event, which may altogether make a breakthrough of the social economy in the market. Mayor of the Nova Gorica City Municipality explained that the INNO-WISEs project is an opportunity to draw-up a policy and strategy of the social economy development at local and regional level and that the meeting is one of the activities of Nova Gorica City Municipality aimed to increase the reputation of work integration social enterprises (WISEs). Tadej Slapnik, State Secretary in the Office of the Prime Minister of the Slovenian Government and President of the Supervisory Board of the Luxembourg Declaration of 14 European countries in the field of social economy, welcomed the efforts to promote the social entrepreneurship, which was started in Nova Gorica 10 years ago. He pointed out that the digital revolution brings big changes in the labour market. Social economy sets environment, able to resolve issues of unemployment and other challenges of the local community.

At the meeting, the following WISEs presented their entrepreneurship stories:  Zaposlitveni center Štefanov center Vogrsko, Zavod GOST na Planoti so.p., Želva d.o.o., Potencial inštitut - Moja štacuna, Zavod za kakovost življenja Lepi Cajti, Zaposlitveni center Kragulj, Društvo Pupillam so.p., Etika d.o.o., Zavod KNOF so.p., Zaposlitveni center Ruj, TIP & TAP so.p. and Medobčinsko društvo prijateljev mladine za Goriško. With information and planning measures in the field of social entrepreneurship promotion, the meeting programme was enriched also with the representatives of the Association Social Economy Slovenia, the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, Ministry of the Environment and Social Planning and, responsible buyers of the social economy as well as the representatives of the support environment, which promote the start-up of new social enterprises.