RURES workshop in Zalaegerszeg

On 27 February a workshop has been held in Zalaegerszeg for introducing the energy-efficiency online calculator developed in the framework of the project and its operation. 

Workshop in Zala

The event has been opened by Imre Pácsonyi, vice-president of the General Assembly of Zala County. Afterwards dr. Kornél Németh, associate professor of Pannonia University spoke about the operational model of Circular Economy connecting to the topic of sustainable energy use. Then Gábor Heves, project manager of IMRO-DDKK Nonprofit Ltd. introduced the Green Line project as a good example for the cooperation of public institutions along the border of Hungary and Croatia in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources. 

The second part of the workshop was dedicated to introducing the energy efficiency online calculator that had been developed within RURES project. Following a presentation on the new tool, the participants got detailed information on the operation of each functions.