Regional Workshop 

24th September 2018, IBZ St. Marienthal

Terms like "summer heat", "flooding" or "species extinction" are dominating our daily news. They are showing the impacts of ongoing climate change for peoples' health and well-being, biodiversity and sustainable use of our natural capital. To develop intelligent and sustainable solutions to cope with climate change  is the largest challenge of the 21th century.

With the Green Infrastructure Strategy and the Concept of Ecosystem Services the European Union has developed first strategic approaches which need to be concretized and implemented on regional and local level. The project MaGICLandscapes wants to find ideas and solutions to improve the green infrastructure resource so that people in the tri-border area Czech Republic, Germany and Poland can best benefit from it.

The workshop in Ostritz highlights the concept of green infrastructure and it's (public) benefits. Regional and local stakeholders are welcome to exchange their ideas and knowledge of how to enhance the existing green infrastructure and to elaborate common ideas and strategies for the tri-border area Czech Republic, Germany and Poland.

The event is targeted at community representatives, regional and local administrations, nature and landscape conservation institutions, associations, universities and research institutions.



Kathrin Uhlemann | The Saxony Foundation for Nature and Environment
Henriette John
 | Leibniz-Institute for Ecological Urban and Regional Development