SHAREPLACE Final Conference:
4th-6th November 2020
"Integrated mobility solutions to enhance regional transport"
As today’s mobility needs of citizens have become more composite, regions and cities are required to elaborate sustainable and inclusive approaches to address them. While traditional public transport represents the backbone of the mobility system, shared, flexible solutions and their integration in the network create new opportunities for territories with different densities. The INTERREG Central Europe SHAREPLACE Project has developed a comprehensive strategy based on stakeholders engagement, co-design of mobility solutions, open source based digitalisation and innovative business models in order to reshape transport networks in five pilot regions. New shared and flexible mobility solutions have been tested in Ulm – Germany, Bergamo and Crema, Italy, Osijek in Croatia and Zalaegerszeg in Hungary, and will be scaled up and replicated in order to become key elements of future transport networks better connecting cities and regions.
The SHAREPLACE final conference will present the experiences and lessons learned through the co-design, development and testing of innovative solutions, and discuss the future of integrated mobility under different perspectives: planning, governance, technology and market. Participants will have the chance to learn about the experiences and open source solutions developed within the project and their replicability in their mobility strategies and networks, and to actively join the debate on sustainable and inclusive solutions for integrated mobility.
The following topics will be covered by the programme:
- Engaging stakeholders and co-designing mobility services to integrate and enhance existing networks
- Delivering new shared and flexible mobility services in different urbanized environments
- How open data allow cities and regions to move towards integrating services
- Developing open source solutions for the digitalization of mobility services
- Designing strategies and action plans for more inclusive, sustainable and demand responsive regional and local transport
- Special session for developers: SHAREPLACE digital solutions based on Digitransit open source platform
Wednesday, 4th November 2020 09:30 - 12:30
- Introduction of the project
- The importance of engagement
- Co-designing solutions
Thursday, 5th November 2020 09:30 - 13:00
- New services, new business models
- Co-designed services, parallel sessions: DRT and Bike sharing
- Co-designed services, parallel sessions: Ridesharing and Multimodal trip planning
Thursday, 5th November 2020 14:00 - 15:30
- Digitransit technical session
Friday 6th November 2020 09:30 - 13:00
- Guidelines for local engagement and co-design
- Guidelines for digitalization
- Integration
The conference will be held online. Participation is free but registration is required:
The detailed programme is available here.
For more information please contact Natasa Hodzic-Srndic (