Study Visit - Styria
1st October - 3rd October 2019
The third CULTURECOVERY study visit took place from 1st until 3rd October 2019 in Styria, Austria. During the autumnal visit, which has brought the total number of study visits to three, the partners once again had the opportunity to share their experiences, illustrate their results and delve into local titbits of cultural heritage.
CULTURECOVERY Team at Town Museum Trofaiach
Styria, which is also known as the "Green Heart" of Austria due to its vast forests and esmerald green lakes, boasts an exciting blend of cultural heritage. This variety is also reflected in the main stops of the visit: The Historic City Centre of Graz, the Styrian Cultural Heritage Network, and the Austrian Open-Air Museum Stübing.
On the first day (1st October) of the study visit, the project partners convened to discuss the progress made and the deliverables achieved. At the steering committee meeting, the partnership prepared for the last period of the project and discussed the still pending activities. Among these are the production of a project video and the development of responsible tourism offers based on intangible cultural heritage. The first day was topped off by a tour through a UNESCO World Heritage Site, namely the historic city centre of Graz.

Steering Committee Meeting
The Styrian Cultural Heritage Network, currently consisting of the three Styrian municipalities of Krieglach, Trofaiach and Puch bei Weiz, was the focal point of day 2. Therefore, a visit to each municipality was scheduled on the second day in order to provide the participants with some insights into the ideas and people behind the network. During this 'tour' through Styria, the local stakeholders themselves had the chance to highlight their very own approaches and success stories in preserving cultural heritage. The European partners, on the other hand, could learn about the ...implemented by the Cultural Heritage Network.
Paper flowers of Puch bei Weiz
As one of the most renown Austrian institutions in terms of heritage protection, the Austrian Open-Air Museum Stübing was not left out during the study visit. That's why the project partners and their associates were invited to join a guided tour through the museum on our third and last day.
Austrian Open Air Museum Stübing
Cooperation is achieved through communication, collaboration and inspiration. We hope that our 3rd study visit inspired all participants for the final months of the project and beyond.
Team at Waldschule, Krieglach
© Header photo: Graz Tourismus - Harry Schiffer
© All other photos: Landentwicklung Steiermark