Smart meters in the project TOGETHER
What is a Smart Metering System?
The Project attempts to reach energy efficient goals without major investments and retrofitting, by using a combination of the latest scientific methods from the field of behavioural demand side management (DSM) sciences and an innovative smart metering system (SMS).
In the framework of the project, in 71 out of 84 pilots, SMS systems were implemented to VERIFY the effectiveness of the DSM measures undertaken by punctually measuring, through the available system (with its various components), the resulting consumptions and the SAVING achieved. This way the maximum efficiency of undertaken measures will be assured!
The Smart metering system defined as “direct feedback measure” (excerpt from “Achieving energy efficiency through behaviour change: what does it take?” from EEA), provides the building players with the concrete possibility to have a direct and immediate feedback of the incidence of their behaviour and consumption practices on energy consumption. Feedback systems based on smart metering devices are therefore strategic in Energy Efficiency programmes based on Demand Side Management (DSM) measures and users’ involvement. A strict control of energy expenditure and the optimization of energy efficiency in the activities carried out can improve the reliability of the data/feedback and can, above all, lead to savings.
It is widely demonstrated that indirect feedback/manual measures are themselves a way to involve users and engage them in adopting proper behaviour. On the other hand, smart metering devices can provide an immediate feedback, reliable, comparable data and require less working time than an energy monitoring system based on manual registration.
Energy Info point as a part of SMS
The energy info point is a desirable component of such a system, since it allows a direct connection with the users of the building. Normally it is just a monitor, which displays information about annual, monthly, daily and current consumption of all energy consumption and energy savings. It can be a powerful tool to impact users’ behaviour. Normally it is placed in a building where most of the people can see it, thus the maximum impact can be achieved. In the Together’s pilot cluster 79 Energy Info Points will be used. With this measure, partners will try to achieve the maximum effect in the implementation of SMS.
SMS provides the building players with the concrete possibility to have a direct and immediate feedback of the incidence of their behaviour and consumption practices on energy consumption. Feedback systems based on SMS devices are therefore strategic in Energy Efficiency programmes based on DSM measures and users’ involvement. Users need appropriate frames in order to determine where their energy consumption is excessive and a smart metering system can provide them with a direct feedback visualized on monitors.
What is the transnational relevance of the Smart Meters ?
The transnational relevance of the investment is embedded in the value of the pilots: the monitoring of the consumption is carried out by all the partners in all the regions with either similar or different means and methods; thus the partners can compare and benchmark their results and the effectiveness of the feedback measures combined with integrated tools, including DSM. Managers/owners need reliable data to propose energy efficiency measures. At the same time, consumers need appropriate frames in order to determine whether their energy consumption is excessive.
The investment will allow to improve the management of the time and use of the buildings, as it is possible to retrieve the consumption data of single parts of the building: the knowledge generated by this special operation is an added value to the project and will be shared with target groups and project partners.
TOGETHER pilot cluster in numbers:

Here follow the investment reports drafted by the partners:
Treviso's smart meter investment report and information material
Hegyvidek's smart meter investment report
Zagreb's smart meter investment report
Paks' smart meter investment report
PNEC's smart meter investment report