Minutes : Second Project Team Meeting
11.06.2018 - 12.06.2018 - Zagreb, Croatia
The 11th and 12th of June 2018, INNO-WISEs project partners gathered in Zagreb for their second team meeting. The Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar hosted the meeting and coordinated with ACT Group to visit a WISE.
More than just a team meeting, this second INNO-WISEs team meeting was two days full of presentations, discussions and moments of sharing. After the steering committee, which focused on an overview of the evolution of project progress, achievement and focused on relevant open question, leader partners of different thematic Work Package showcased the state of play of the outputs they are responsible for within the project implementation.
- WP.T1
On the first day, SASS presented the results, deliverables and outputs achieved in the framework of the research activities (WP.T1). Since the beginning of the project, SASS compiled reports and analysis based on the results of stakeholder’s workshops and completed with the help of partners from Lombardy (CGM), Trentino (PAT), Slovenia (SASS), Croatia (IPI), Belgium (ENSIE), and also with content provided by the Polish partner (SWR).
SASS also sketched the conclusion of the Regional Joint Strategy (O.T1.1). Once again, it was question of the needs and the lacks, priorities and issues regarding management, marketing and communication within WISEs. The idea was to funnel specific regional priorities within a wider joint strategy for all CE areas involved and to profile thematics to be addressed in the future step of the project.
- WP.T2

Then, FPM gave an overview of activities progress within the general framework for WISEs technological and knowledge management model. Scope and approach to the solution, competences and tools to improve them as well as ICT tools to support processes were presented. In other words, FPM provided the main features of processes and services that will be supported by the ICT platform and presented the Competence framework to highlight specific needs. FPM is considering an in-depth analysis of the company’s functional areas and the features of tools used to support them, and of the knowledge management framework to address competences enhancement through training. FPM, with collaboration of partners, is working to map the WISEs competences, to align them to European eCF reference and to provide specific target rate for the different profiles (ITC professional, entrepreneur, business process manager, human resource manager and service manager) working in the WISEs.
FPM also underlined the next deliverables expected. In fact, an architectural model of INNO-WISEs Information System has to be designed and describe all logical components.
- WP. T3
INNO-WISEs partners need to define the management guidelines and ICT roles needed for the information system maintenance and evolution and then, show how the platform and the framework are fundamental for the evolution of the company and the achievable goals.
ITC reminded to the partners their role for making key technologies readily available to WISEs employees and entrepreneurs (Pilot Actions). Partners have different roles: content elaboration and implementation of models, tools creation within specific pilot settings, pilots coordination, transfer of activities. The partners acting as WISEs networks (CGM, SENT, ACT) or public authorities (MONG and MED) will be important for the execution and for testing a flexible ICT platform as identified in the previous WPs. Each region will execute one Pilot Project implementing selected tools (managerial and sectoral) within WISEs. Pilot actions will cover agriculture, tourism, waste management and recycling. Project partners then exchanged on the way of making this applications the more attractive and sustainable possible.
An open discussion within partners focused on the platform structure and contents: which is the main purpose and which kind of knowledge and tools is more important to provide? Do the ITC tools have to be only open source or can they also be cheap ones? Which kind of apps/services will the project offers?
- WP. T4

The WP.T4 is strictly connected to the previous ones, in particular to WP.T2 and WP.T3 as the trainings will be in part delivered on line. ACT Group approached the tasks to perform and to foster technology and managerial competences of WISEs employees and entrepreneurs, with a specific focus on their active participation, and the implementation of training and evaluation tools. ACT Group gave an overview of future activities: implementing training actions for WISEs, developing training curriculum and materials, supporting WISEs managers’ and employees’ key abilities (organizational and managerial skills) and stimulating mutual learning. Act Group also spent few words on the development of the face-to-face and the online module training’s contents and materials, on the development of the training modules on the ICT platform and on training evaluation.

In order to exploit these positive cooperation dynamics, thematic tables and working groups about the thematic Work Packages were organized to reflect on specific processes to set up all the activities.
- WP.M & WP.C
On the second day, two presentations on the Work Packages regarding Management (WP.M) and Communication (WP.C) were held by its Lead Partners. FPM talked about INNO-WISEs’ different evaluation processes (internal and external), the financial progress and management issue of the project.
The presentation on WP.C were the occasion for sharing the different deliverables which have been achieved and ones which still need to be produced. Afterwards, MONG shared their experience regarding their event that took place recently in Nova Gorica. Finally, project partners worked in groups in order to share different ways to better communicate with the wider public and increase the outreach of INNO-WISEs project.
- Silent Caffe

INNO-WISEs’ team also took the initiative to meet a Croatian WISE. After these Work Package thematic presentations, project partners gathered for a drink in Silent Caffe. Silent Caffe is a bar owned by a deaf people association. Previously, they used to hire deaf people only. Nowadays, Silent Caffe works with people with and without hearing impairment.
To continue these fruitful discussions and keep this good working dynamic, the partners already decided to gather again in October. It will be the occasion to involve WISEs from different regions and make them join us.