MaGICLandscapes Partner Meeting
14th-15th May 2019
The Italian project partners Città Metropolitana Torino (CMTo) and the Italian National Agency for new Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA) are welcoming the rest of the MaGICLandscapes partner consortium in Turin at CMTo premises. Beside the review of deliverables gained so far and the focus on upcoming tasks in the three work packages the partners are also get to know the local green infrastructure and successful GI projects around Turin and the River Po. The Interreg Alpine Space Project LOS_DAMA! will give a presentation on its outputs, after that will be time for discussion and knowledge exchange between the two Interreg projects with the same aim: green infrastructure for better living in and around cities as well as in rural spaces.
Header photo: Città Metropolitana di Torino/Francesco Mancuso