To reclaim public spaces: standard, soil and ecosystem services

Series of didactic workshops for students of Turin College of Technology (Politecnico di Torino)

From May till October 2019 a series of didactic workshops takes place at Turin College of Technology. The courses are mainly targeted on students studying  environmental and territorial planning, project management, architecture, etc.  In cooperation with actors from planning institutions and public administrations the students will get insights into practice.

The workshop series will be divided into several Work Packages:
WP 1: Presentation of theoretical approaches 
WP 2: GIS-approaches, mapping
WP 3: Project workshops
WP 4: Presentation of results
Final Symposium

On 8th May 2019 as part of WP1 MaGICLandscapes will be presented by Simonetta Alberico from project partner Città Metropolitana di Torino as a project elaborating strategies and actions for planners and environmentalists to protect and enhance the blue and green infrastructure network in the region.

Further information about the workshop series you may find HERE. (in Italian)