CTT presented its role in the innovation start-up ecosystem and the KTT Consortium at the 1st International Conference on Start-ups and Technology Transfer in Innovation Ecosystems in South-East Europe and the Alpine Region
Dr. Špela Stres and dr. Levin Pal successfully represented the Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation (CTT)at the Jozef Stefan Institute (JSI) at Technology park Ljubljana, where on Friday, November 16, 2018, the 1st International Conference on Start-ups and Technology Transfer in Innovation Ecosystems in South-East Europe and the Alpine Region took place.
Under the topic of "Start-up challenges: Innovation, Growth and Internationalisation", Dr. Stres presented to the participants the CTT's activities and its involvement in the national and international networks of the innovation start-up ecosystem.
In the subject of "The power of Networks", Dr. Pal presented the benefits of the Consortium for the transfer of technologies from the PRO (Public Research Organisation) to the industry, KTT (2017-2022), coordinated by CTT at JSI.