Dear readers,

as we wrote a while ago (1 month ago), we were celebrating the 1st birthday of MOVECIT project. 1st year was very productive, MOVECIT project team has reached many results: Strategy for stakeholder involvment on mobility planning in CE regions, Joint strategy and action plan for mobility plans in functional urban areas in CE municipalities, Communication strategy, we trained 22 persons for developing the workplace mobility plans, 4.468 people are reached on social profile Facebook, 24 target groups are involved and activated and much much more. Find here interesting infographic with results of 1st year implementation. 

In the minetime (April and May 2017) online survey about mobility behavior was conducted at the municipalities, hospital and associated partners. Find here the results of 1st modal split on before measurement. In travel behavior survey 1.337 employees were included: 547 from Czech Republic (Hospital and Municipality of Litomerice), 373 from Hungary (BME, BKK and Municipality of Bekescsaba), 25 from Slovenia (Municipality of Ljutomer), 137 from Slovakia (Municipality of Banska Bystrica) and 255 from Austria (Municipality of Baden, Bruck, Leoben and Moedling). 

The results are presented by country:

Czech Republic:

1st modal split CZ


1st modal split HU


1st modal split SI


1st modal split SK


1st modal split AU

Overview of all institutions:

1st modal split all countries