Second Partner Meeting in Villach, Austria
On Wednesday, the 18th April 2018, the meeting was kicked-off by the Transport Association Carinthia, our local project partner and the hosts of this meeting. Mr. Hans Schuschnig presented all partners the region of Carinthia and gave a brief insight into regional cross-border public transport.

Project partners have discussed the state-of-the-art of the project according to the work packages. The first period mainly concerned with the establishment of the regional analyses, which describes the problems and needs of cross-border public transport in the project regions and provide the basis for further steps in the project, for identifying best practice examples and for building strategies for border regions. The report delivers information of the test areas Saxony (DE) - Lower Silesia (PL), Liberec region (CZ) - Lower Silesia (PL), Liberec region (CZ) - Saxony (DE) and Carinthia (AT) - Koroška (SI) as well as evaluating and describing quality of public transport and localizing obstacles.

Crucial for the acceptance of the project outputs is the involvement of regional and local authorities, stakeholders and decision makers as well as public transport associations already during the development phase. In preparation for the upcoming workshop in Liberec Mr. Hrubon of KORID LK, spol s r.o presented the schedule of our next stakeholder event in May 2018. The project partners were asked to send the invitations with full information to their stakeholders.
Finally, further organisational aspects were discussed and subsequent dates for the current year were specified.