2nd scoping workshop and partner meeting in Prague
The RAINMAN partnership met in the wonderful Czech capital Prague for two days of intense exchange and discussion. A scoping workshop took place on the first day preceded by a partner meeting and a steering group meeting on the second day.
The second scoping workshop focused on the collection and categorization of risk reduction measures. The workshop is part of the development of a scoping study on existing tools and measures to mitigate risks of heavy rain. In the workshop, selected external experts from the Czech Republic and RAINMAN partners presented their experiences with early warning systems as well as prevention and protection measures. The RAINMAN partnership presented the background for implementing measures in each partner country and collected and categorized risk reduction measures jointly.
During the partner meeting, the the discussions focused on the joint activities in the respective Work Packages : the RAINMAN-Toolbox forming the frame for the other joint activities, the scoping study on assessment and mapping as the starting point for the scientific exchange as well as the pilot activities as test cases and implementation examples for the RAINMAN tools and measures. The partners presented the status of their work and clarified open tasks. Conclusions were drawn and next steps were identified.
The next partner meeting will take place in Zagreb in June 2018.