International Lynx Day 2020
in your home as well as in Central Europe

On-line events: 11.6. and onward
- Premiere of short documentaries in several languages: English, Czech, Slo, Italien, German
- Lynx quizzes and content on partners social media NP Šumava, ALKA Wildlife, Green Harz of Europe etc.
- On-line seminar with Tereza Minarikova in Czech
- premiere of new song from Cassandra Steen here
- On-line lecture abou the lynx by Martin Strnad in Czech
Map and list of off-line events:
- "Lynx in the waiting room" - lynx brochure in Austrian doctor's waiting rooms. Have someting nice to read while you are waiting for your appointment ;-) (from 11.6.)
- Za rysem na Libín - the walk in lynx teritory with Josefa Volfová (6.6.)
- Lynx day in ZOO Ljubljana (13. and 14.6.)
- Lynx day in ZOO Zagreb (13.6.)
- Rysí výprava do Brd s Toulavým spolkem- short walk in lynx teritory (6.6.)
- Rysí vycházka do Novohradských hor s Toulavým spolkem - short walk in lynx teritory (13.6.)
- New geocatching point in Czech Republic - Brdy (15.6.)
- Lynx outside exposition in Prague (from 30.6.)
- Lynx day at Kvilda (11.7.)
- Lynx day at Dům přírody Český Les in Czech Republic