I4.0 supporting tool catalogue

The 4STEPS partnership has successfully elaborated an I4.0 supporting tool catalogue which is available in pdf format and in google classroom as well. The catalogue intends to collect the possible services provided by project partners in relation with the nine technologies of Industry 4.0 (Big Data, Augmented Reality, Simulation, Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, Cyber Security, System Integration, Additive Manufacturing, Autonomous Systems).

The supporting catalogue will be useful to improve the level of innovation, business and economic development in all the central Europe countries and beyond, identifying the most suitable solutions options for the companies interested in I4.0 applications. The content of the catalogue is available in Google classroom with your own gmail account, and specific 4steps gmail account on this link:

Credentials for 4STEPS gmail account is the following:
user name: foursteps.industry4.0@gmail.com 
password: 4steps123

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