4th STC meeting in Pilzen
21st and 22nd November, 2018.
On 21st and 22nd November, Connect2CE partners meet for the 4th time to share their progress and work! Meeting was held in Pilsen, Czech Republic, at the premises of the Regional Authority of the Pilsen Region.

Partners gathered to discuss the state-of-the-art of the project, as well as the upcoming activities, especially regarding their respective pilot actions and stakeholders’ involvement. 8 pilot actions will done during the project life, and it will test the transnational tools on connectivity, integrated ticketing and tariff schemes and the implementation of ICT tools for info-mobility.

Also, an overview of the main concept of stakeholders’ involvement and territorial strategies were discussed. The involvement of stakeholders come in a format of round tables and 3 local meetings for each of the 10 regions.