6th partner meeting in Zagreb
26th and 27th November 2019
Connect2CE partners met for the 6th time to share the progress made and activities completed in the framework of the project. The two-day meeting took place at the Croatian Chamber of Commerce in Zagreb.
Partners gathered to discuss the state-of-the-art of the project, the completed activities and each partner’s responsibilities in the upcoming final activities of the project. The Work Package 3 leader PIL presented the activities performed on the development of the Transantional Toolboxes on three levels. The lead partner CEI presented the draft document Strategic Framework for the Advanvcement of Regional and Cross-Border Transport in Central Europe. Presentations of the Work Package Communication were also presented, showing to the partners their remaining activities. During the Work Package Management presentations, a detailed insight into the state of the project, which is scheduled for completion in May 2020. Partners are expected to be involved in disseminating the project, the pilot activities and presenting project ideas and outcomes to the general public.