Air quality management
One of the objectives of the AIR TRITIA project is to create tools for efficient and transparent air quality management in accordance with evidence-based decision support. These are the Air quality management system and Prediction Warning System for decision makers and citizens of TRITIA region. The tools will help public authorities in the field of air quality management.
Air quality management system
Air quality management system (AQMS) is a tool to support long-term strategic decision making. It is an information system that, through a user-friendly environment in the form of an interactive map, provides state administration bodies with the information necessary for strategic planning and decision-making in the field of air quality, based on scientific knowledge. Alongside, the system provides information on air quality and planned measures for the general public, making the decision-making process transparent.
The AQMS consists of a central database (T1.1) and the CML Web application – interactive map interface. The Unified Information Database (T1.1) forms the central database of the AQMS, running on the PostgreSQL 10.4 database system with PostGIS 2.4 spatial and geographic object processing. The CML Web application implemented by ASP.NET Core 2.0. consists of the client part for regular users - municipalities (login access); public (free access), and the admin section (data import, project management, management of individual layers).
Within the AIR TRITIA project, the AQMS was implemented in five cities and respective FUAs (Opava, Ostrava, Opole, Rybnik and Žilina) and the TRITIA region (Moravian-Silesian Region, Opole and Silesian Voivodeship and Žilina Region). The client interface was designed according to the AIR TRITIA project visual and adjusted to respective FUAs and the TRITIA region together with client sites and language version (Czech, Polish, Slovak, and English).
The system works at:, the login interface is accessible from each city / TRITIA sub-website. The public client displays the data from WPT1 which PP cities found relevant. The same for the client for municipalities (login access), which comprises in addition data for whole FUA, emission data, data on domestic boilers. According to the needs the client can be extended to more datasets.

Prediction Warning System
IMWM-NRI (the team implementing the forecast - Ewa Krajny, Leszek Osrodka, Marek Wojtylak) introduced after the testing period the PWS (Prediction Warning System) = short-term air quality forecast AQ (Air Quality) as one of the outputs of the AIR TRITIA project ( .
This PWS, in accordance with the provisions of the project objective, is to be a source of information on the predicted temporary (one-hour) concentrations of air pollutants. This is due to the fact that it is implemented in the legislation of the European Union member states (Directive 2008/50/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2008 on ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe OJ L 152, 11.6.2008).
In the area (zone or agglomeration) there is a risk that the levels of pollutants in the air will be above the norm in relation to the specified thresholds included in the annexes to the above-mentioned Directive. Member States develop plans specifying short-term actions plans taken to reduce the risk or shorten the exceedance time.
Although the Directive does not explicitly mention the short-term air quality forecast as a tool for the implementation of short-term plans, in the era of dynamic development of methods of Numerical
Weather Prediction (NWP), forecasting meteorological conditions and the fact that effective informing the public about the threat resulting from the occurrence of air pollutants hazardous to health should be made in advance, it is becoming practice to use such air quality forecasts.
More information about the system and the visualization of the forecast itself can be found at .
After the completion of the adaptation PWS on the IMWM-NRI internet site, its source will ultimately be there.