Project team meeting and the Mid-term evaluation of the AIR TRITIA project
Project team meeting and the mid-term evaluation of the project AIR TRIITA with members of Joint Secretariat in Vienna, took place at VSB – Technical University of Ostrava (VSB – TUO).
Members of Joint Secretariat in Vienna were connected to the meeting via videoconference. Project partners presented results of individual project`s work packages, management, communication and financial part from the first half of the project implementation.
All activities within the Work Package T1 – Current State Analysis (data collection, modelling and measurement), were successfully implemented. Altogether, 19 deliverables were successfully delivered and integrated into the first main project output - Unified Spatial Database.
Within the Work Package T2, project partners from VSB – TUO presented the current state of creating and testing AQMS tool (Air Quality Management System). Testing version of AQMS is now available for all project partners. The tool uses data from Unified Spatial Database and will presents data related to the air quality in different layers to relevant target groups.

Project representatives also presented the second project tool - Prediction Warning System (PWS). Currently, the prediction algorithm is tested at the level of all partner cities.
During the meeting, project partners answered the questions of the JS Vienna representative concerning the implementation of the project, project budget and the progress of the project partners after the completion of the AIR TRITIA project. Representative of the JS Vienna expressed his satisfaction with the project implementation so far and wished everyone a lot of success with further activities.

At the end of the project meeting, project partners discussed the possibility of continuation their cooperation within the new Central Europe project, related to air protection.