The AMIIGA project manager participated in the meeting for regional stakeholders, organized by project DEEPWATER-CE (Developing an integrated implementation framework for Managed Aquifer Recharge solutions to facilitate the protection of Central European water resources endangered by climate change and user conflict), which was held on September 30th, 2019, in Sosnowiec. The event was hosted by the University of Silesia. About 45 stakeholders, representing higher education, researches, and experts from the field of geology, hydrogeology, hydrology but also professionals from the water industry, water suppliers and local and national public authority, took part in the meeting.
The main focus of the meeting was presentations of information about the starting project DEEPWATER-CE aims and project partners, as well as project stakeholders experience in the subject of water resources protection. In the second part of the meeting, others European projects were presented – aims of starting project boDEREC-CE (Board for detection and assessment of pharmaceutical drug residues in drinking water - capacity building for water management in CE) and results of our project AMIIGA.
For AMIIGA it was a great opportunity for the discussion and clustering with other projects, as well as technical discussion with stakeholders.
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