Conference in Parma: Ensuring groundwater quality and fighting pollution

A conference on the state of the art of groundwater quality, fighting pollution and resouce management took place in Parma on December 14th. The conference is one of the side activities planned in the "Scritture d'acqua" prize.

Results from two Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE projects, AMIIGA and Proline-CD, were presented by: Renzo Valloni (University of Parma, Centro Acque), Tiziana Benassi (Municipality of Parma), Silvano Pecora (ARPAE-SIMC). AMIIGA focuses on innovation, study and management of shallow groundwater. Proline-CE focuses on protecting water as a resource and prevent unforeseen events in water bodies.

Renzo Valloni closed the meeting presenting a survey of the current situation of groundwater in the province of Parma.
