Jaworzno Management Plan presented in Aragon (Spain)
On 27th of November 2019 Jaworzno Management plan was presented during the 1st Interregional Thematic Workshop of the LINDANET project, which was hosted by the Government of Aragon, lead partner of that Project.
The workshop was devoted to the exchange of experiences of the participating regions - Aragon (Spain), Galicia (Spain), Lazio (Italy), Saxony-Anhalt (Germany), South Bohemia (Czech Republic) and the Silesia Voivodeship in terms of activities contributing to solving the problem of pollution from lindane waste (HCH).
One of LINDANET project aims it to create a network of European regions affected by the contamination derived from the lindane (HCH) production wastes, so for Central Mining Institute and Silesian partners it’s a great opportunity to continue previous activities carried out under the AMIIGA project, including in particular the translation of objectives and implementation of activities planned within groundwater management plan in the scale of regional authorities' activities.
Project LINDANET is realized within Interreg EUROPE between 2019 – 2022.