Second national project PROLINE - CE workshop Parma - 6 November 2018

The Seminar was organized by Arpae Hydrography and Hydrology Area, and was the Second national workshop project PROLINE – CE. Mr Marco Ghirardi from the Municipality of  Parma presented the Integrated Approach to the Management of Groundwater quality. Specifically, he illustrated the CHLORINATED SOLVENTS IN THE SHALLOW  AQUIFER in the AMIIGA project - INTERREG CENTRAL EUROPE. After a brief presentation on the project's issue: duration, funding and budget the, discussion focused on how to develop the environmental management of urban functional areas (FUA).

AMIIGA, which addresses the problem of groundwater contamination in urban centers and suburbs, has specific criteria and specific focuses and, on this occasion, it has been shown that contamination of groundwater is a problem that goes beyond administrative boundaries. Urban sources of contamination affect the quality of groundwater in the downstream suburbs and vice versa. There was said that there is little experience in managing these challenges in the FUAs in Europe.

Pilot actions of all the partner cities were discussed, specifically Ghirardi illustrated the case of Parma: Evaluation of Natural Attenuation as a clean-up option. 
The discussion then focused on the pilot actions for the evaluation of Natural Attenuation (NA) processes and their applicability to the FUA scale, to reclaim the groundwater pollution from chlorinated hydrocarbons (CHC).

Action performed: 

  1. Execution of monitoring campaigns in preexisting and new piezometers, to analyze specific compounds, including the application of innovative tools - BMT (Biological Molecolar Tools) and CSIA (Compound Specific Isotope Analysis).
  2. Realization of n. 7 piezometers to verify the NA. The new monitoring points have been positioned in agreement with the Istitutional Bodies. 

At the end of the intervention the data collected from the various analysis were illustrated, with the description of the main contaminating agents and the bacterial containment activities.