University of Dunaújváros
In 2000, when the College of Dunaújváros had the opportunity to become an independent higher educational institution, DUE had a definite notion of how to become the intellectual innovation centre of Dunaújváros and the region. DUE alleged the enlargement of the training and research areas into this service; DUE has been building a European Campus. With the conscious educational and infrastructural developments they achieved that the number of students has been ten folded in the last fifteen years, and now they have about 3500 students. From 2006 DUE offers eight BSc/BA undergraduate programmes and twelve higher-level vocational training courses. From 2007 the first Master course, the Teacher of Engineering MA programme is also available. From the same time international students also study at the institution learning Engineering Business Management BSc, Computer Engineering BSc, Material Science Engineer BSc, Mechanical Engineer BSc Communication and Media BA and Business Administration BA and Teacher of Engineering MA in English language.
DUE will be a member of the Advisory Board (AB) of the project that will tackle Quality and risk management and will provide biannual report focusing on achievement of regional impact. Representatives of DUE will participate at technical and steering committee meetings as well as PPI2Innovate days in Poland, Croatia and Hungary. DUE has wide range of experiences and dedicated staff on public procurement, including the application of PPI issues in new Law on Public Procurement.