Study trip #4: The Ukrainian Women Club & Borderland People projects (PL)
On 24 th and 25 th October the Arrival Regions team representing Westpomeranian Region PL), Lodzkie Region (PL) and Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography (DE) visited “Our choice” Foundation and Culture Practitioner’s Association located in Warsaw (Poland).
On the first day the team visited the headquarter of the “Our Choice” Foundation, which as founded in 2009 by Ukrainians and their Polish friends in order to support Ukrainian migrants in Poland. The main goal of the Foundation is to help Ukrainian migrants to integrate in Polish society, support the development of cultural, educational, economic and political contacts between Poland and Ukraine, and promote democratic values and civil society across the Eastern border. One of many interesting and successful projects is the “Ukrainian Woman Club”. Thanks to this project, 50 Ukrainian women living in Warsaw acquired new competences and started to take part in community activities.

At the entrance of foundation headquarters
The second day the team met coordinator of the Borderland People project, implemented by Culture Practitioner’s Association. The project was an initiative aimed at xenophobia combating among youth and promoted tolerance and intercultural dialogue in three Polish villages located on the Polish-Ukraine and Polish-Belarus border.

Meeting with the coordinator of Borderland People project
During the very interesting meetings participants had the opportunity to find out the information regarding the Foundation's and Associations activities, projects implemented, problems that the institution must overcome.
Download a detailed description of good practices in the Document section, find more information on the following links: