Spot seminar in Martin
Martin (Slovakia)
Activity: Spot seminar
Target: Technicians and enterpreneurs
Participants: General public, NGO, Decision makers, SME, Technicians, Local public authority, Regional Public Authority, Sectoral agency
Spot seminar in Martin helped to share knowledge with relevant stakeholders and discuss outcomes with professionals, find new recommendation and new solutions.
The key topic of the event was to share knowledge within a relationship between urban planning and HBAs. The second topic was usability of modern technologies in urban development.
The spot seminar held in Martin focused on how to deal with the challenge of the urban planning process and their impact on Historic Built Areas, share knowledge about a relashionship between urban planning and HBAs and the usability of modern technologies in urban development, such as the potential of GIS for higher effectivity of urban planning.
The outcomes of BhENEFIT project were presented during the event (The use of Geographical Information System (GIS) in combination with data collection in the historical built areas in the city of Poprad). A lot of recommendations were discussed during the moderated discussion between a group of professionals, decision makers, local authorities and general public.