Urban walk in Karlovac 

Karlovac (Croatia)
Activity: Urban walk
Target: Civil society
Participants: General public, NGO, Decision makers, Local public authority, Sectoral Agency, Higher education and research

Urban walk in Karlovac (Croatia)

Historical walk in city center Zvijezda

On April 2019, Karlovac opened a series of Urban Walks events which aim to inform citizens about ongoing project through their direct involvement.

The event, a 12 stops urban walk guided by Karlovac's LSG member and heritage expert Ms Sanda Kočevar, took place through the city center Zvijezda and involved visitors of different ages, including children.

Storytelling was adopted as the main strategy to raise citizens' interest, focusing on themes like life of people living the city, mainteinance and management of built architecture. In addition, the event featured special challenges to engage citizens, conveying a message of importance and value of the cultural heritage in a simple and understandable way.
The day ended with an Infoday about BhENEFIT Project, in order to inform participants about project's activities, strategies and future events' plans.

As Ms Sanda Kočevar stated, Urban Walks are actually the best way to gather local participants and involve them in active participation process related to HBA.