Big data and digitalization in the era of Industry 4.0.
Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, the Lead Partner of SYNERGY, is organizing the open seminar on Big data and digitalization in the era of Industry 4.0. The event is organized within NUCLEI project and will take place on the 22nd of November 2018 at premises of Wroclaw University of Science and Technology.
The participation is free of charge. There is a limited number of places for the open seminar. Please register by sending an email to with your name, surname and organization’s name. The registration is open until the 19th of November. Registrations are on a first-come, first-served basis so please register early.
During the event the invited experts will discuss topics related to Big data and digitalization in the era of Industry 4.0 and especially they will focus on virtual prototyping, digital twins, database infrastructure issues in deep learning, data science, big data and machine learning as well as agile education.
Giovanni Berselli, University of Genova, Department of mechanics, energetics, management and transportation
Virtual Prototyping Tools and Digital Twins for Industry 4.0:
State-of-the-art Overview and Future Challenges
- tools for integrated design (CAE-centric design VS CAD-centric design)
- co-simulations (case study: eco-design of robotized plants – integration with state-of-the-art digital manufacturing tools)
- virtual commissioning & virtual training (case study: an automated manufacturing system)
Karol Kozak, Fraunhofer IWS, Image Processing and Data Management
Process 4.0:
- Is it efficient to start Deep Learning without database infrastructure?
- Do we always need a Deep Learning in industry?
- How to benefit from digital twin in simply data flow strategy?
- How to share digital twin in project consortium?
Przemysław Kazienko, ENGINE - The European Centre for Data Science, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
Data Science for Industry 4.0
- AI, data science, big data and machine learning
- 6Cs and 4Vs
- data sources and types
- challenges, applications and benefits
- data eco-system for Poland
- what next?
Lucía Díez Robles, ITQ GmbH
Agile education in the era of digitalization
- The technical changes and their influence in the required skills of technicians
- The new challenges to be faced in education
- Novel educational methods for qualification of workers