Bike parking shelter as a point of sustainable mobility
Banska Bystrica (Slovakia), 22. 11. 2017 - presentation of pilot action. Pilot actions have significant soft components: they are integrally interrelated to the mobility planning process. The proposed solutions are compliant to other measures implemented to promote sustainable mobility, which include use of public transport, cycling and walking.
In the area of the train station and new bus station in Banská Bystrica there will be an integrated point of sustainable mobility. The point will provide the possibility of a covered and lockable space for min. 10 bicycles with additional services for users - lockable boxes for helmet or other luggage (10 boxes), electric bicycle charging (2 connections), stand with service tool, information panel for pedestrian and passengers by public transport.
Regarding the bike stands in Banská Bystrica: safe, well designed and also aesthetic bike parking points do not exist in the city and in the region. The Slovak partner Ekopolis foundation is not presenting standard racks, where people lock the bikes. They would like to achieve that well technically and architectonically designed bike parking lot/shelter should be installed – possibly roof - covered and lockable (safety is an issue) at the suitable place, frequently used also by commuters. The design and location of the shelter is a result of the joint planning with stakeholders.

V priestore vlakovej a novopostavenej autobusovej stanice v Banskej Bystrici pribudne komplexne vybavené stanovište. Stanovište bude mať charakter "integrovaného bodu udržateľnej mobility" a bude poskytovať možnosť krytého alebo prestrešeného a uzamykateľného priestoru pre min. 10 bicyklov s doplnkovými službami pre užívateľov – uzamykateľné boxy na prilby alebo inú batožinu (10 boxov), nabíjanie elektro bicyklov (2 pripojenia), stojan so servisným náradím, panel s informáciami pre chodcov a cestujúcich verejnou dopravou.