Boom. 500 years of industrial heritage in Saxony
- Chemnitz University of Technology at the 4th Saxon State Exhibition 4th Saxon State Exhibition - 11th July – 31st December 2020
- Boom. 500 years of industrial heritage in Saxony
The Cluster of Excellence MERGE and the Department of Lightweight Structures and Polymer Technology at Chemnitz University of Technology are participating in the AutoBoom exhibition in the August Horch Museum in Zwickau with a glass vehicle demonstrator. Numerous research results from the Cluster of Excellence MERGE are bundled in the glass vehicle demonstrator. He represents the developed MERGE technologies on the basis of various exhibits such as seating, wheel disks, sensory modules or drive train (manufactured by the student initiative "Fortis Saxonia") and shows an example of what can result from technology fusion. All exhibits are explained thanks to a touch display linked to the demonstrator. This provides guests with a comprehensive insight into the subject of lightweight construction and mobility in the future. This presentation is complemented by a material station that enables visitors to the exhibition to experience and understand lightweight construction "up close".

Glass vehicle demonstrator shown at AutoBoom exhibition. Photo: MERGE

A Nao robot (left in the picture) is shown in the exhibition MaschinenBoom in the Industrial Museum Chemnitz shown together with other robots. Photo: Jacob Müller